
Showing posts from November 1, 2012

Minecraft 1.4.3 Pre-release

Changelog: Since the release of the Pretty Scary Update we’ve been super-busy trying to fix as many reported issues as possible. We’ve now reached the point where we’ve fixed so many that we spend more and more time wondering “haven’t we fixed that already?” and “I wonder if this will break anything else…” In other words, it’s time to look forward to a new official update! The changes since 1.4.2 is: Over 100 issues fixed, full list here: 1.4.3 issue list Noteable: The missing song “where are we now” is now available, but called “wait” Noteable: Random falling damage due to lag fixed Noteable: Falling damage when riding minecarts fixed Noteable: Enchanted book exploit fixed Noteable: Slimes have correct collision box Noteable: Signs no longer lose their text client-side If nothing serious happens, we intend to release 1.4.3 next Wednesday. Download the pre-release here: Client: Server: