
Showing posts from June 22, 2011

New Harry Potter!!?!?!

Being the huge Harry Potter fan i am this got me extremely excited, the Harry Potter fan page just wrote this on their page:               - " Not long now until the owls finally offer up their secrets. To find out what exactly                      J.K. Rowling has  in store, keep a close eye on this YouTube page. " -  They also linked to J.K. Rowling's youtube page which is filled with animated owls moving their heads back and forth - very exciting -  J.K.'s Youtube Page I'm wondering what the announcement will be about, but something tells me it will be Potter related, due to the many owls and very mysterious and magical Facebook post. Also look at the suggested videos on the right: all very Potter related, here's to hoping it will be an eight book


Hey i created a 2nd blog, on it i will post pictures of what i have created. I'm mostly going to be using Zbrush wich is a 3d sculpting program for creating 3d characters. Check it out! My humble work