
Showing posts from October 7, 2011

Dragons are coming to Minecraft!

Even though Notch and Jeb previously shot down any rumors and even stated that dragons would never be found in Minecraft. These are the tweets from Notch: I'll post a screenshot later today. I am proud of it. =D Do you want continuous screenshots, or wait and get a higher impact final screenshot? It's far from finished now, but screenshottable Our internet connection is very, VERY slow, so uploading images takes ages. But here's the progress so far: I started tweaking some code. Model parts can now contain child model parts! Minecraft is almost becoming a modern game. :D And texturing this dragon is going to be.. interesting.. I'll keep working on this way into this weekend, probably. :-D It's animated and flies around now! Here's an album: Image from Overkill I'm personally glad they changed their mind, this is going to be such a nice additio...

This is how rappers play Xbox

Ice-T the rapper just tweeted this image of himself playing Gears of War 3. Did you notice coco his girlfriend who happens to be a bikini model?