Battlefield 3 console cuts: it will be better for PC gamers
The inevitable cut has to be made concerning a games graphics when it's being transferred from PC to consoles In game footage As we all know, Battlefield 3 is a beautiful game, and we have been told that it will also feature the biggest maps in any FPS to date. We have been promised 64 people battles on vast areas of warfare, alongside friends and foes. We have been promised, dynamic gameplay, huge physics based environmental destructions and most importantly, Jets. We will get all of this on October 28, and be we i mean PC gamers. Sadly with the evolution of hardware, consoles can't compete with PC's when it comes to raw power. For example: When Microsoft releases a new Xbox , it will be filled with some of the best hardware around, but seeing that it would be unwise to release a new Xbox every year, it will quickly be outdated by even better hardware. But don't worry Battlefield 3 for consoles will have almost all of the features mentioned...