The Mojang vs Bethesda Lawsuit just got interesting

For lille less than a month ago (The Elder Scrolls, Quake, Rage's) Bethesda's lawyers informed (Minecraft's) Mojang that the title of their upcoming game: scrolls, interfered with Bethesda's Elder Scrolls series and that they where willing to go to court.

Today Notch posted a challenge on his Tumblr. Comparing the situation to an episode of Game of thrones, Notch challenges Bethesda's three best players against Mojang's three best players in a game of Quake. The terms: If Mojang wins: Bethesda drops the lawsuit. If Mojang wins: the name of "Scrolls"will be changed to something they both agrees on.

He ends off the post reassuring that he's got a piece of paper on which it says that Scrolls can be proven to not be interfering in "The Elder Scrolls" series.

This is just badass! Something that only happens when indie developers with a sense of humor gets to play with the big boys.
If Bethesda takes up the challenge they will be fighting against Mojang in a game they made them selves.

Lets hope they do!


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