Peter Jackon's Video Blogs from the sets of The Hobbit

We've only got a year to wait until the first half of the expected "The Hobbit" is released

For those who cant wait, Peter Jackson (the directer of the film) have started vlogging from the sets of the hobbit. Not like ShayCarls Daily Vlogs, but more professional and well coordinated with different angles and lots of information of the film hungry.

Take a look at the trailer:

Quite impressive right?
In my opinion this movie is gonna kick ass. Not only because (IMO) the story is better than the one of The Lord of The Rings, but also because Peter Jackson puts so much time and work into his movies. The places aren't all just green-screens but real buildings and real sets. Take a look behind the scenes:

Subscribe to my blog if you want to be notified of any new Hobbit Vlogs, and tell me in the comments below what your favorite vlog was and why :)


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