Minecraft 1.4.1 Pre-release! - Bug fixes and a contest!

Changelog:A day -1 patch! Lovely! No but seriously, there was a big issue causing mobs to suffocate and fall through wooden floors that we really needed to fix. The full list of fixes are…'

  • Fixed mobs glitching through wooden floors
  • Fixed players glitching through Beacons
  • Fixed Redstone Repeaters getting stuck in ‘on’ state
  • Bats spawn less frequently
  • A number of minor font fixes
  • Activated the Wither painting
  • Fixed wet wolves looking way too scary
  • Tweaked naming costs in the Anvil
  • Tweaked enchantment points reward for smelting
  • Fixed bug that allowed any item to be placed in the armor slots
  • Fixed mob spawners spawning too quickly
  • Release date: Thursday October 25
Since we do these pre-releases mainly to prepare modders and server admins (and not to find and fix bugs), we’ve decided to push the release of 1.4(.1) one day to Thursday, October 25. Again, since I know this is a lot of text to read:
Download the pre-release here:
// The Minecraft Team
Then also posted this contest:
The Pretty Scary update is almost here! It’ll arrive on Thursday if all goes to plan. I fear it.
Wither and his army of minions, scary zombies that infect you, scary bats, scary witches, and tougher AI will all be included. Then there’s beacons, carrots on sticks, controllable pigs, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin pie, anvils and – perhaps the scariest thing we’ve ever put in Minecraft – FLOWER POTS. Oh man. Expect bug fixes and tweaks aplenty.
As a celebration of the update, we thought we’d run a competition rooted in fear. The winner will get a foam pickaxe signed by every member of the team. That’s probably worth a significant amount of money on eBay, if you’re into that kind of thing (shame on you).
Read on for instructions on how to enter, if you dare.
  • Take a scary screenshot in Minecraft. It has to be a screenshot, not a piece of fan art.
  • Make it the the scariest screenshot you’ve ever taken. One influenced by fear, impending danger, pain, anxiety; that kind of thing. You can wait for tomorrow’s update if you like, or submit it right away if you already have something in mind.
  • Submit the screenshot to the Hej Mojang page before the end of October 30th, CEST.
  • Wait for us to judge the submitted screenshots.
  • Cross your fingers and hope you win!
That’s it! We look forward to seeing your entries. Have a nice day!


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